The Yago Foundation
Yago School

The Yago Foundation

Solidarity, Humble and Commitment

The Yago Foundation is a non-profit entity that was born in 2011 from the enthusiasm and commitment of the entire Yago School Team to help and charge society with a spirit of solidarity.


The Foundation’s assets are permanently dedicated to the following general purposes, as follows:



All its actions are aimed at the same goal, Solidarity.

With this spirit we intend to convey, especially to the students of Yago School and to society in general, the importance of being supportive, of thinking about others and of stopping from time to time and looking around us to observe the needs of those around us. surround. Sometimes it will just be a smile, a gesture, a hug, any of these that are within our reach in order to make someone happy.
The essence of The Yago Foundation is to unite all of us to make a better world.

The Yago Foundation

What do we do?

It is very important to have good communication with our children, as this will generate enough trust to transmit the values that were transmitted to us in our childhood. It is advisable to talk to them about what is right and wrong, what the other person would like and what they could do to help, collaborate or cooperate. We should discuss with them some situations or events that reinforce the solidarity work of someone and what they have achieved. In this way, they will be promoting this important value.

At Yago School, we work on empathy in children, that is, the awakening of concern for others. We encourage them to help the little ones, to share school materials with those who have been forgotten and to care for a classmate who is ill, as well as for their classmates at Liceo Español, a sister school in Peru.

Aid to families in need

We are aware that due to the current economic situation, many Families and Organizations need our help.

We make financial donations to other non-profit organizations that carry out solidarity actions and direct their efforts to Families and the less fortunate. Among them is the Fundación Nuestra Señora del Rocío de Triana whose work is commendable.

The Yago Foundation collaborates with different organizations including:

Every year the demand for help grows and we incorporate new causes once they are studied by our Board of Trustees.

We provide help and support to parents of students at Yago School who are experiencing financial or other difficulties.

We ensure that students whose parent, the main financial supporter of the family, dies, are able to complete their studies at Yago School.

At The Yago Foundation, we work on solidarity activities so that the children of Yago School are aware of the needs of others and have a spirit of solidarity from a young age.

Children are not born supportive, solidarity is taught to children through everyday situations. Solidarity must be taught and transmitted through example. We must be supportive among ourselves, with our children, friends, family, so that they see how we act at home. It is the exercise that most encourages the internalization of values in children. We must teach them to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and that must start with ourselves.

The Yago Foundation

Our commitment

The Foundation is born with the enthusiasm and commitment to help those who need it, mainly the large group that already exists around the school, but we do not want to limit its scope of action Both the work of Father Jota in Peru, the aid to Ukrainian families, as well as all the solidarity actions we do currently and those we do in the future, will also be channeled through it.

Yago School

Become a member

Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible for personal income tax or corporate income tax purposes.

You will receive an email from the Foundation confirming that you are already part of The Yago Foundation.